Another Version (unperformed) of Genesis 3:1

GENESIS 3:1                                                                                       (Completed Draft)
A play by Natalie Chambers, Chris Willmott, Charisse Baxter, and George Bernard Shaw
 - freely adapted from the Bible, PARADISE LOST by John Milton, BACK TO METHUSELAH by G. B. Shaw, with a hint of Mark Twain and just a bit of That One Music Video by Eminem and Rhianna…

A workshop.
Shelves and jars and tools, oh my… a bathtub full of (body) parts and pieces sits in the middle of the space. There is a ‘tree’ in one corner.
The audience is welcomed in and invited, via ushers or projections (or both) to explore the space (but not touch). After approximately ten minutes, the lights and music shift. The audience is seated.
Adam enters the space, his attention fixed on the tub. Slowly, life enters Eve’s body, she is ‘created’, and steps from the tub. She discovers her own reflection, and is fascinated. Adam attempts to claim her attention, and she is not impressed by her view of him. Eve turns away and goes off to explore alone. Adam seems as though he might call out to her, but instead makes no sound. He sits wondering, experiencing sadness for the first time and just starting to feel lonely, when he is joined onstage by the Son.
THE SON      (sympathetically) It is not good that man should be alone.
Eve re-enters, and, seeing them, stops. She is approached by the Son.
                       Fair Eve, return. Whom thou fliest, of him thou art;
                       His flesh, his bone. To give thee being I lent
                       Out of his side, nearest his heart. Come, and claim thy other half.

He leads her to Adam.
[As the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman. Be fruitful, and  replenish the earth.]
The Son exits – or at least, moves away to observe.
Adam and Eve, left alone, tentatively begin to explore the space and get to know each other. They are playful, and curious, and begin to be very happy together. The only tense moment comes when they discover the tree and its fruit, and trigger signs and signals that warn them away. (‘In the day thou eatest of this tree, thou shalt surely die.’ ‘Danger’ ‘Do Not Touch’) They continue with their play, then fall asleep.
Satan enters and approaches Eve’s sleeping figure. She whispers to Eve, rousing her as if in a dream, tempting her back towards the tree. Eve resists at first, then succumbs. She returns to her sleep. Some time later (lighting change?) Adam wakes; seeing Eve is still sleeping he tenderly touches her face and quietly leaves. Eve wakes, and in looking about for Adam her attention is caught by the tree. She is pulled by powerful curiosity and the echo of her dream. Satan looks on gleefully, while the Son watches quietly, half-hidden.
           [Taste. Eat. Become as the gods, knowing good from evil.]
Eve resists.      [Goddess human, reach then, and freely taste.]
The warning signs begin to blink and short out, and she finally submits(???)
Almost immediately, Eve starts to become aware of changes in her body and in her perception of the world around her. She takes her first real breath and as she opens her mouth, words fall out. She is startled, but the bits and phrases continue to erupt and gradually she starts to understand the meaning of some of the things she is saying. She is both frightened and exhilarated, like a child. She rushes offstage. Satan begins to crow with triumph, and is suddenly brought up short by the Son.
Look on O Jury, a muse of sort;
The call to order, view first their
Lamentable lot.
A universe of Death, which God by curse
Created evil, yet evil only for good.
Lest we hear ample justification –
Then call me Hell.

O Myriads of immortal Spirits, O powers
Matchless, but with th’ Almighty. That strife
Was not inglorious, though th’ event was dire,
And this dire change hateful to utter.
As we now testify.
This infernal pit shall never hold
Celestial spirits in bondage –
For who can think submission?
These thoughts full counsel must mature.

The Son
Of Man’s First Disobedience – Sing!
And the fruit of that forbidden tree – Sing!
Whose mortal taste bought death into the world,
And all our woe…
Sing Heavenly Muse
What in me is dark, illume; what is low
Raise and support
That to the height of this great Argument
We - I may assert th’Eternal providence,
Justifying the ways of God to Man.
Say first, for heaven hides
Nothing from thy view – Say first what cause
Mov’d our Grandparents in that happy state,
Favour’d of heav’n so highly, to fall off
From their Creator, and transgress his Will?
Who first seduc’d them to that foul revolt?
Th’infernal serpant; she it was; an angel
By the name of Satan now know - whose guile
Stir’d up with envy and revenge, deceiv’d
The mother of Mankind – And for this,
Was cast out from heav’n, with all the Host
Of Rebel Angels, whose aid aspiring
To set her up in Glory above her Peers.
(To Satan) Thus thou oppos’d; and with Ambitious Aim
In thy vain attempt to equal the highest,
Rais’d impious War in heav’n and battle proud
Against the throne and Monarchy of God.

To be weak is to be miserable;
O Fallen Cherubs – To bow and sue
For grace is humiliation. From now
To do ought good will nev’r be our task,
But ever to do ill, our sole delight
As being the contrary to his High will
Whom we resist. By such choice
Have we lost our hopes to re-ascend
Self-rais’d, and repossess our native seats.

The Son
See what rage!
Rage that transports such adversaries, whom no bounds
Prescribed no bars of hell, nor all the chains can hold.
And yet so wise thou judge, for you
Fly from pain and escape thy punishment!
But wherefore thou alone?


We find some easier enterprise!
There went a fame in heav’n that he ere long
Intended to create, and therein plant
A generation, whom his choice regard
Should favour equal to the sons of heav’n,
The happy seat of some new race called MAN.
About this time to be created like to us, though
Less in power and excellence.
Our first eruption should aim only there.
(To The Son)
For should man finally be lost, Should Man
Thy creature, late so lov’d Fall?

The Son

That hast thou spoken as my thoughts are,
All as the eternal purpose hath decreed.
Yet once more he shall stand
On even ground against his mortal foe.

Eve enters, and the Son and Satan fade back. (She is perhaps trying to avoid Adam.) Her walk, her movements have changed, she is feeling her presence in the world in a different way; she is full of conflicting emotions. She goes to the tub to see if her reflection has also changed. Adam enters (he may be bringing a gift – flowers? Or some small object he has found, like an acorn… or something he thinks may have potential to be used in a game with Eve?) just as Eve pulls her physical reflection (a mask) from the tub. He startles her at his approach and she jumps, dropping or hiding the mask and making some sound that she immediately tries to repress. He is surprised but not alarmed, and tries to recreate the sound with no success. Eve begins to realize that she is now different from Adam, and glances suspiciously at the tree. Adam gives up on trying to make a sound and instead starts a game. She is not paying attention, and only half-heartedly participates. When she wanders back to the tub he makes one more effort to interest her, then tries to play the game by himself. It doesn’t work, and he remembers what it is like to feel lonely. Satan, with a sideways look at the Son, creeps onstage and joins Eve. Eve sees only the Serpent, and is not surprised as she has seen snakes in the garden before.
Eve finally notices that Adam is sitting alone and goes over to him; he suddenly realizes that something is different about her, about her skin, her eyes, her smile. He is not sure why, but he turns to look at the tree. Eve tries again to reach out to him; he steps around her, his attention already caught. Satan pantomimes fishing and reeling in her catch as Adam moves toward the tree. He partakes, and takes his first breath of mortality.
ADAM                   Eve?
EVE                       Fool.
ADAM                   Fool....Fool? ...What's a fool?
EVE                       The word just came to me, it sounds right.
SATAN (Aside)     Man by fraud I have seduced from his Creator.
THE SON              Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out the mouth    of The Lord.
SATAN (Aside)     I have tempted and brought low Mankind!
THE SON              If ye will go to war in thy land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from thine enemies.
SATAN                  Is that just a fancy way of saying I win? Go on. Admit it.
ADAM                   Boils, Farts, Vomit.
EVE                       I have never known so many words. (Sneezes)
ADAM                   Bless you. (Wipes her nose. He looks around.) Eugh! The Garden is always growing. Every time I clear one thing away I find something else in its place.
EVE                       It's a miracle!
ADAM                   “A miracle is an impossible thing that is nevertheless possible. Something that never could happen, and yet does happen.”
EVE                       How did you know that?
ADAM                   I didn’t. I opened my mouth and the words came out.
EVE                       Knowledge is a queer thing. I used to not need to know anything at all, and now I must know everything at once.
ADAM                   I guess this is what thinking feels like.
EVE                       And speaking. It feels different than before.
ADAM                   I'm not sure that I like it.
EVE                       Well, maybe you shouldn't...
ADAM                   What?
EVE                       Never mind.
ADAM                   You always do that. (She gives him a ‘look’.)
I cannot bear the quiet, now that there is speaking. I don’t like this knowledge. I will not have it. Yet I do not know how to prevent it.
EVE                       That is just what I feel; but it is very strange that you should say so: there is no pleasing you. You change your mind so often.
ADAM                   [scolding] Why do you say that? How have I changed my mind?
EVE.                      You sit there brooding, hating me in your heart. When I ask you what I have done to you, you say you are not thinking of me, but of the horror of forever. But I know very well that what you mean is the horror of being with me forever.
ADAM                   What is forever? You've changed forever. Forever will never happen, and even if it does everything is different. This new knowledge is making me see how little I know.
EVE                       (Incoherently) You didn't have to...
ADAM                   You mumble and you expect me to understand. (To someone) Hey! This woman you've put here with me---- (She puts her hand over his mouth)
EVE                       What is the use? I am what I am: nothing can alter that. I do not think about myself: I think about you.
ADAM                   You should not. You are always spying on me. I can never be alone. You always want to know what I have been doing, where I am going. It is a burden. You should try to have an existence of your own, instead of occupying yourself with mine.
EVE                       I made a choice. You needn't have followed me.
ADAM                   You say that but where would you be without me? From now on you must not move about. You must sit still. I will take care of you and bring you what you need.
EVE                       I have to think about you. You are lazy: you are dirty: you neglect yourself: you are always dreaming: when I first knew you I saw beauty and grace and wisdom. Now you would eat bad food and become disgusting if I did not watch you and occupy myself with you. You are never careful of where you walk; some day, in spite of all my care, you will fall on your head and become dead.
ADAM                   Dead... Dead – Death – Die. How interesting. I wish I could see it.
EVE                       I do not like the way it sounds.
ADAM                   Death is not an unhappy thing when you have learnt how to conquer it.
EVE                       I shall never learn if I am not allowed to move about.
ADAM                   Fine. Go on, then.
EVE                       Do you want me to die?
ADAM                   No! You must not die before me. I should be lonely.
EVE                       Ah, I see. I see that you think only of yourself! (She grumbles under her breath, possibly swearing at him.)
ADAM                   This death that you have brought into the garden is an evil thing.
EVE                       You were blissfully ignorant. You talk of having a mind of your own, and yet go wherever I go as though you were no more than one of the other creations, the smaller ones with four legs and no words at all.
ADAM                   You did this. You said... you made the choice.
EVE                       If you desired loneliness you should never have copied me.
ADAM                   Copy? You? Do you not remember your birth?
EVE                       Of course not. Who remembers a thing like that?
ADAM                   You are bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: you are called Woman, because you were taken out of MAN. That’s the way it is.
EVE                       That does not make you greater than me. I do not see how that is relevant when you wish to be apart like... Strangers.
ADAM                   Who said that I wished that?
EVE                       No one.
ADAM                   That (bloody) snake is putting thoughts in your head and ugly words in your mouth.
EVE                       I should have been quite content with her company alone, as it turns out her voice is quite pleasant. The only voice you hear is your own.
ADAM                   That is not true. Perhaps the snake’s is the only voice you hear because it sees the evil in your mind.
EVE                       Ha! Jealousy!
ADAM                   Affinity.
EVE                       Precisely. (Silence. After a minute Eve tries to smooth things over.) You must not brood. You think too much.
ADAM                   (Angrily) How can I help brooding when the future has become uncertain? Don’t you feel it? Anything is better than uncertainty. Everything has become uncertain. Have you a word for this new misery? Or the cure?
EVE                       I… ‘hope’. I think the word for both is ‘hope’.
ADAM                   Be silent, woman, if that’s the best you can do. Hope is wicked. Happiness is wicked. Certainty is blessed. I will strangle creation and have surety, and find no use for your hope.
EVE                       But we were commanded to create.
ADAM                   You shall not listen to that snake any more.
EVE                       It was not the snake, but another.
ADAM                   Liar.
EVE                       Why should I lie? What purpose would it serve?
ADAM                   You tell me! It wasn't until you started indulging in foolish fantasies and allowing them to dictate your behaviour that this knowledge began. You may listen to my voice, and your own, but none of the others.
EVE                       [Progress. Creation. Innovation.]               Have you never dreamed of something more? How are we to understand what is possible when we do not know the things that are impossible?
ADAM                   You talk as if this is good. If the serpent had not taught you to lie, to… deceive, this  never would have happened.
EVE                       If you had remained silent without me I should have been much happier.
ADAM                   “It is not good for man to be alone...”
EVE                       Damn your loneliness.
ADAM                   You were made for me.
EVE                       Then ask for another.
ADAM                   No. I will not. I chose for you, and you will. Stay. With. Me.
(He kisses her roughly, and she kisses him back. She snaps out of it, pulls away, and slaps him. They are both stunned at this first violence, and he leaves, rubbing his cheek. Eve stares at her hand, then rushes over to plunge it into the tub. She sees the serpent lurking.)
EVE                       You! Were you watching – did you see?
SATAN                  (caught – ‘Who, me?’) … See…?
EVE                       Adam and I. What we did. What we have become.
SATAN                  Oh, that. I shouldn’t worry about it if I were you.
EVE                       But… (she looks at her hand) Things are different now. They hurt.
SATAN                  Pain is part of knowledge, I expect. Without pain one might not know that one is making… progress.
EVE                       I don’t think I like the sound of that.
SATAN                  (smirks) You’ll get used to it.
EVE                       I wish I’d never been born.
SATAN                  (seeing a chance for mischief) Indeed? Why waste a wish on something so foolish when you could have something so much better?
EVE                       Better?
SATAN                  I am the most subtle of all the creatures of the field, you know…
EVE                       What is better?
SATAN                  … Also wonderfully clever. I creep hidden through the grass, and I listen. I hear things.
EVE                       What sorts of things?
SATAN                  Do you know, when I hear you and Adam talk you always say ‘Why?’ You see things and feel things and you say ‘Why, why, why?’ I see things that never were. I look and I hear and I say ‘Why not?’ That is the difference between you and me.
EVE                       If you’re not going to tell me then I’ll…
SATAN                  You already know what it is.
EVE                       What?
SATAN                  Your real wish. (pause) You are wishing for a second birth.
EVE                       (awed) I… don’t understand.
SATAN                  Listen. (Gestures as if about to tell her an important secret) I am a snake.
EVE                       I know that.
SATAN                  I am also very clever. (shrugs) And I must have what I want. So I thought and I desired and I wished and wanted and willed, and I discovered that I could create life.
EVE                       What a beautiful word! ‘Life’… (realizes) That is the other side of death!
SATAN                  Yes. You are also clever. Hmm. (briskly) Well, I meditated on Life, and found that I could gather a part of it into my body, into a little box made of desire and wishing and will; a box that pushed away the someday of death. I warmed the little box in the sun, and it grew. It grew bigger and bigger until it burst; and out of my skin came a little snake. A second snake, one like me. This was the second birth.
EVE                       Did it hurt? Like this? (holding up her hand)
SATAN                  Far more than that. It nearly tore me to pieces. Yet I am alive, and can shed my skin and renew myself over and over. Death does not matter because now there will always be snakes, and they will live.
EVE                       Tell me what to do; Adam must not perish. I will give life myself, and tear another Adam from my body.
SATAN                  Do. Dare it. Everything is possible. Listen: I hear things, and I remember. I am older than you, and older even than Adam. I remember Lilith, who came before Adam and Eve. She was alone; there was no man with her. She was very clever indeed; she saw that death would come, like you, and she knew that she must find a way to renew herself like me. Her desire was fierce and strong, her will was very great. How she groaned with pain and longing! No one slept in Eden then. She said that the burden renewing life was past bearing, that she could never do it again as she was alone… And when she burst her skin there was not one new life but two: one like herself, that was you, and the other was Adam.
EVE                       Why were there two, and why were we different?
SATAN                  As I said, the labor was too much for one. Two must share it, to manage it and make it bearable.
EVE                       But how did Lilith work this miracle?
SATAN                  She imagined it.
EVE                       … she saw something that never was, and said ‘Why not.’
SATAN                  Clever, clever girl. Someday you may be nearly as subtle as me. You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine; and at last you create what you will. That is what she did.
EVE                       Desire, imagine, will, create… is there one word for it all? I must share this with Adam, and he will understand better with fewer words.
SATAN                  ‘Conceive’. It means both the beginning in the mind and the end in creation.
EVE                       (with Satan) ‘… end in creation’. Yes, that is the right word. I will go tell Adam to conceive.
SATAN                  (Laughs)
EVE                       (startled) What a terrible noise! What is the matter with you?
SATAN                  Adam cannot conceive. He has not the capacity; he can imagine and desire and all the rest: he can create all things except his own kind.
EVE                       Why?
SATAN                  Because Lilith did not imagine him so.
EVE                       So it is I who must conceive.
SATAN                  Yes. By that he is tied to you.
EVE                       And I to him! If I conceive we will never be strangers! Death will be ousted, and we will learn to understand forever again. Adam will be so pleased.
SATAN                  Indeed. You should call him and tell him right away.
(Eve turns to go call to Adam, but some vague thought or echo of uneasiness – perhaps because she is taking direction from the Serpent? – causes her to pause very briefly. She shakes it off.)
EVE                       Adam? Adam! (He enters.) Oh. There you are. (They both remember their last encounter, and things feel somewhat awkward.)
ADAM                   Yes. Eve, I was coming to speak with you, and… well. Um. (pause – more of the awkward) I thought I heard another voice besides yours and mine. Who was it?
EVE                       The snake.
ADAM                   Oh.
EVE                       Please don’t be angry – I have wonderful news.
ADAM                   I’m not angry, I just wish - (sneezes)
EVE                       Bless you.
ADAM                   It’s this garden. So many things, always growing… (He makes a frustrated sound, wipes his nose and tries to brush off his hands.)
EVE                       Here, let me… (She approaches him with a scrap of fabric from one of the shelves, and wipes his hands and face. She begins to realize how close they are, and carefully strokes his cheek, then looks at her hand.)
ADAM                   (also aware) I will clear some space in the garden tomorrow.
SATAN                  (Laughs)
ADAM                   That is a strange noise to make. I like it.
EVE                       I do not. Why did you do it again?
SATAN                  Adam has found something new. He has discovered ‘tomorrow’.
ADAM                   But why the noise? Is there another word for doing things tomorrow?
SATAN                  Procrastination. (They are both impressed.)
EVE                       That is a sweet word. I wish I had a serpent’s tongue.
SATAN                  That may come too. Anything is possible.
EVE                       Possible… oh! Adam! You will never guess what the snake has told me! I have learned how to conquer death, and to bring forth the greatest of miracles!
ADAM                   Eve, I do not doubt it, but I have to ask – are you certain you can trust the snake?
SATAN                  (sarcastically) You wound me to say so.
ADAM                   Listen, please. What have we gained by heeding her voice? Only pain, and disobedience; injury, and heartache.
SATAN                  True enough.
EVE                       No, Adam, we have also gained knowledge, and experience – and forgiveness. And one day we shall create life, which will make us happy. And have you not told me that the Voice in the garden wishes us to be happy?
SATAN                  The voice in the garden is your own voice. And mine.
ADAM                   It is my own voice; and it is not. It is something greater than me, I am only a part of it. There is something that holds us together, something that has no word –
SATAN                  (mocking) Love. Love. Love.
 ADAM                  That is too short a word for so long a thing.
SATAN                  Love may be too long a word for so short a thing soon. But when it is short it will be very sweet.
EVE                       ‘Love’. I like it. (She sweetly kisses Adam’s cheek, the one she had slapped. They spend some time speaking without words, seeing everything yet again with new eyes. – Movement section?)
ADAM                   I will live a thousand years, and then I will endure no more; I will die and take my rest. And I will love Eve all that time and no other woman.
EVE                       And if Adam keeps his vow I will love no other man until he dies.
SATAN                  I make no vows. I take my chance.
EVE                       Chance? What does that mean?
SATAN                  It means that I fear certainty as you fear uncertainty. It means that nothing is certain but uncertainty. I will bind the future by my will and my imagining. I have made a good beginning already, with today’s work.         
EVE                       I will not listen to you anymore. (Satan is surprised, and momentarily speechless.)
ADAM                   Eve. I think… it is time that we go. We have changed, and there is no place for us here.
EVE                       And because we have changed, will everything else now change as well?
ADAM                   Perhaps not everything. Not the sun, or the river, or the stars…
EVE                       I am glad of that – I always liked the stars.
ADAM                   Life will not change, neither will death… not anytime soon. And - hope. No. Hope will not change.
EVE                       I think that you are right. Come.
(She leads him; they begin to dress themselves, to ‘grow up’.)
[Thy sorrow and thy conception shall be multiplied; for out of dust wast thou taken, and unto dust shalt thou return.]
The Son, with all his might and love reveals himself as the saviour of mankind. In his final words, he shows a sheer defiance in the face of the serpent and fulfills his purpose in a brave yet emotional stand.


Now the serpent was more crafty than
Any of the wild animals the God had made.
He spoke to the woman, “Hath God then said that of the fruit
Of this sole sublime tree you shall not eat
Yet lords declared of all in Earth or air?”
By such device I tempted, the better to claim
This new created world, which fame in heav’n
Long had foretold, a fabric wonderful
Of absolute perfection. Therein man
Placed in a Paradise, by my exile
Made happy: Him by fraud I have seduced.
Say heavenly powers – where shall we find such love?
And now without redemption, all mankind
Must have been lost, Adjudged to Death and Hell,
My cursed, undesired abode to share.
By doom severed…

                        …Had not the Son of God
In whom the fullness dwells in love divine,
His dearest mediation thus renewed.
Father, Thy word is past…
Yet Man, shall find Grace.
For their aide can nev’r seek,
Once dead in Sins and lost;
Attonement for himself or offering meet,
Indebted and undone; Hath none to bring!
Behold me then; as I for His sake will leave
Thy bosom and this glory next to thee,
And for him lastly die.
On me let death wreck all his rage.
On me let all thine anger fall.
Yet that debt paid,
Leave me not in the lonesome grave
His prey, nor suffer my unspotted soul
Forever with corruption, there to dwell;
But I shall rise victorious and subdue my vanquisher
To disarm him of his mortal sing.
I’ll lead hell captive: The powers of darkness bound
Then with the multitude of my redeemed
Shall enter heaven long absent, and return father
To see Thy face.
Wrath shall be no more
But in thy presence joy attire.
Let love conquer, and account me Man.

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